Hello Ayurveda food suggestions, lifestyle tips,
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The non-fad way to feel like yourself again
Spoiler alert! Menopause will happen to each one of us. And it should be a beautiful time in our lives, not clouded by the symptoms that may come along with it.
Hot flashes Dry skin
Exhausted Gaining weight
Can't sleep Irritable
Constipated UTIs
...can be worked on, naturally, by bringing you back to your optimal health and balance.
The ancient science of Ayurveda (more on that here) offers incredible insights and tools for how to keep your body and mind in balance, and that includes while transitioning through perimenopause. The Kshamming experience takes this ancient wisdom and makes it practical for modern day living.
As an Ayurvedic Practitioner I combine lifestyle and dietary changes, together with herbs, to help you better understand your body and feel like you again.
Photo by Merve Sehirli Nasir on Unsplash
How it works


About me
If you’re a believer in TMI (too much information) then stop reading now. I want to share my story with you so that you know who is guiding you. Let’s start at the very beginning. I heard it’s a very good place to start.
My name is Ilana. Thankfully, I’ve never been a truly unwell person. My health has been pretty much intact throughout my life. Or so I thought. I didn’t realise that those little blips and issues were not only avoidable but also unnatural.
“That’s just me” is not a reason to suffer. Ayurveda cannot cure every disease on earth but it can do a damn good job of pacifying symptoms, preventing them from arising in the first place and maintaining a good level of health.